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Class 9 physics Practice Tests

Class 9 Physics Online Tests

Forms of Energy MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions) PDF Download

The Forms of energy Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) with Answers PDF (Forms of Energy MCQ PDF e-Book) download to practice Grade 9 Physics Tests. Learn Work and Energy Multiple Choice Questions and Answers (MCQs), Forms of Energy quiz answers PDF for high school certification courses. The Forms of Energy MCQ App Download: Free learning app for forms of energy, interconversion of energy, potential energy, physics practice questions test prep for online classes.

The MCQ: The energy released in the form of nuclear radiations in addition to heat and light during nuclear reactions is known as; "Forms of Energy" App Download (Free) with answers: Chemical energy; Nuclear energy; Heat energy; Electrical energy; for high school certification courses. Solve Work and Energy Quiz Questions, download Google eBook (Free Sample) for taking online classes.

Forms of Energy MCQs PDF: Questions Answers Download

MCQ 1:

A moving car possesses

  1. sound energy
  2. mechanical energy
  3. heat energy
  4. chemical energy
MCQ 2:

The energy released in the form of nuclear radiations in addition to heat and light during nuclear reactions is known as

  1. chemical energy
  2. nuclear energy
  3. heat energy
  4. electrical energy
MCQ 3:

The energy coming from the sun for the last billion years is the result of a

  1. heat reactions
  2. nuclear reactions
  3. molecular reactions
  4. potential reaction
MCQ 4:

The energy obtained from electric cells and batteries as a result of a chemical reaction is called

  1. chemical energy
  2. nuclear energy
  3. heat energy
  4. electrical energy
MCQ 5:

The vibrating diaphragm of a drum in the form of

  1. kinetic energy
  2. sound energy
  3. chemical energy
  4. nuclear energy

Class 9 Physics Practice Tests

Forms of Energy Textbook App: Free Download (iOS & Android)

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Forms of Energy App (Android & iOS)

Forms of Energy App (Android & iOS)

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