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Class 8 Math Online Tests

Compound Interest MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions) PDF Download

The Compound interest Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) with Answers PDF (Compound Interest MCQ PDF e-Book) download to practice Grade 8 Math Tests. Learn Math Applications Multiple Choice Questions and Answers (MCQs), Compound Interest quiz answers PDF to study online homeschool courses. The Compound Interest MCQ App Download: Free learning app for taxation, percentage calculations, hire purchase test prep for online elementary school courses.

The MCQ: John invested $8000 at 6.5% per annum compound interest which is compounded daily. The amount at the end of fifth year is; "Compound Interest" App Download (Free) with answers: $13,960.70; $10,960.70; $11,960.70; $12,960.70; to study online homeschool courses. Solve Math Applications Quiz Questions, download Google eBook (Free Sample) for online teaching certification programs.

Compound Interest MCQs PDF: Questions Answers Download

MCQ 1:

The compound interest on $2500 for 5 years at 4% per annum (compounded annually) is

  1. $432
  2. $542
  3. $642
  4. $452
MCQ 2:

John invested $8000 at 6.5% per annum compound interest which is compounded daily. The amount at the end of fifth year is

  1. $13,960.70
  2. $10,960.70
  3. $11,960.70
  4. $12,960.70
MCQ 3:

The compound interest on $7500 for 1 year at 8.5% per annum which is compounded monthly is

  1. $363
  2. $636
  3. $663
  4. $366
MCQ 4:

Jane invests $15000 at 5% per annum compound interest which is compounded daily. If a year is equal to 365 days then the amount at the end of fifth day is

  1. $15,010.28
  2. $18,010.28
  3. $16,010
  4. $14,010

Class 8 Math Practice Tests

Compound Interest Textbook App: Free Download iOS & Android

The App: Compound Interest MCQs App to study Compound Interest Textbook, 8th Grade Math MCQ App, and 6th Grade Math MCQ App. The "Compound Interest MCQs" App to free download Android & iOS Apps includes complete analytics with interactive assessments. Download App Store & Play Store learning Apps & enjoy 100% functionality with subscriptions!

Compound Interest App (Android & iOS)

Compound Interest App (Android & iOS)

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