Class 8 Online Courses

Inventions Quizzes

Inventions Practice Test 13

Letter Box Quiz Questions and Answers PDF - 13

The e-Book Letter Box Quiz Questions and Answers, letter box MCQ with answers PDF download, test 13 to learn free inventions online courses. Practice Inventions and Inventors trivia questions, letter box Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) for online college degrees. The Letter Box Quiz App Download: Free learning app for standard time, abdominizer, ceiling fan, revolver, letter box test prep for online school classes.

The Quiz: First letter-box was discovered by; "Letter Box" App Download (Free) with answers sir albert potts, sir jack kilby, sir hans von ohain and alexander fleming for online learning. Solve inventions and inventors questions and answers, Amazon eBook to download free sample for online learning.

Letter Box Questions and Answers PDF Download: Quiz 13

MCQ 61: The first letter-box was discovered by

A) Sir Jack Kilby
B) Sir Albert Potts
C) Sir Hans von Ohain
D) Alexander Fleming

MCQ 62: The Revolver was invented by

A) Sir Samuel Colt
B) Dr Raymond Lemieux
C) Sir Robert Fulton
D) Dr Dennis Colonello

MCQ 63: The ceiling fan was invented by an American electrical engineer named as

A) Sir Nikola Tesla
B) Sir Rudolf Diesel
C) Sir Schuyler Skaats Wheeler
D) Sir James Hillier

MCQ 64: Infomercial exercise was invented by a renowned inventor named as

A) Sir Norman Rolston
B) Sirr James Naismith
C) Dr Dennis Colonello
D) Sir Thomas L. Wilson

MCQ 65: Standard time was invented by

A) Sir T.J Blachut
B) Sir Cyril Duquet
C) Sir Sanford Fleming
D) Sir Reginald A. Fessenden

Mock Tests: Inventions Course Prep

Letter Box Learning App & Free Study Apps

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Letter Box App (Android & iOS)

Letter Box App (Android & iOS)

Inventions App (Android & iOS)

Inventions App (Android & iOS)

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Fluid Mechanics App (Android & iOS)

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RF Electronics App (Android & iOS)