Class 9 Courses

Chapter 1: Class 9 Physics Exam Tests

Class 9 Physics MCQs - Chapter 1

Dynamics Quiz Questions & Answers PDF Download - 15

The Dynamics Quiz Questions and Answers PDF (dynamics Quiz PDF e-Book) download Ch. 1-15 to learn Grade 9 Physics Course. Solve Newtons Laws of Motion MCQs PDF, Dynamics Quiz Questions and Answers to learn online schools courses. The Dynamics Quiz App Download: Free learning app for newtons laws of motion, physics: friction, uniform circular motion, newton's laws of motion test prep for online certifications.

The Quiz: The resultant of all the forces acting on body is; "Dynamics" App (iOS, Android) with answers: Normal force; Net force; Perpendicular force; Equilibrium; to learn online schools courses. Study Newtons Laws of Motion MCQ Questions, download Amazon eBook (Free Sample) for virtual secondary school.

Dynamics Exam Questions and Answers PDF Download: Test 15

MCQ 71:

The resultant of all the forces acting on body is

  1. net force
  2. normal force
  3. perpendicular force
  4. equilibrium
MCQ 72:

As compare to sliding friction, the rolling friction is

  1. lesser
  2. greater
  3. equal
  4. always negative
MCQ 73:

If a body is moving in a straight line then net force acting on it is

  1. constant
  2. increasing
  3. decreasing
  4. zero
MCQ 74:

Centripetal reaction that pulls the string outward is sometimes called the

  1. centrifugal force
  2. gravitational force
  3. dynamic force
  4. translatory force
MCQ 75:

The weight of a body is 150 N. Its mass will be

  1. 10 kg
  2. 15 kg
  3. 18 kg
  4. 20 kg

Dynamics Learning App: Free Download Android & iOS

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Dynamics App (Android & iOS)

Dynamics App (Android & iOS)

9th Grade Physics App (Android & iOS)

9th Grade Physics App (iOS & Android)

College Physics App (Android & iOS)

College Physics App (Android & iOS)

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O Level Physics App (iOS & Android)