Class 9 Courses

Chapter 5: Class 9 Biology Exam Tests

Class 9 Biology MCQs - Chapter 5

Cells and Tissues Quiz Questions & Answers PDF Download - 15

The Cells and tissues Quiz Questions and Answers PDF (cells and tissues Quiz PDF e-Book) download Ch. 5-15 to learn Grade 9 Biology Course. Solve Nervous Tissue MCQs PDF, Cells and Tissues Quiz Questions and Answers to learn online certification courses. The Cells and Tissues Quiz App Download: Free learning app for nervous tissue, plant tissues, microscopy and cell theory, passage of molecules and cells test prep for distance learning classes.

The Quiz: The cells that are specialized in conducting messages in the form of nerve impulses are called; "Cells and Tissues" App (iOS, Android) with answers: Cardiac cells; Skeletal cells; Nerve cells; Epidermal cells; to learn online certification courses. Study Nervous Tissue MCQ Questions, download Amazon eBook (Free Sample) for virtual secondary school.

Cells and Tissues Exam Questions and Answers PDF Download: Test 15

MCQ 71:

The cells that are specialized in conducting messages in the form of nerve impulses are called

  1. skeletal cells
  2. cardiac cells
  3. nerve cells
  4. epidermal cells
MCQ 72:

The cambium located on lateral parts of plants on the outer side is called

  1. vascular cambium
  2. cork cambium
  3. shoot cambium
  4. root cambium
MCQ 73:

The distance between two points at which human eye can differentiate separately is

  1. 0.03 mm apart
  2. 0.05 mm apart
  3. 0.5 mm apart
  4. 0.1 mm apart
MCQ 74:

Considering the types of endocytosis, the pinocytosis means cellular

  1. respiration
  2. osmosis
  3. drinking
  4. eating
MCQ 75:

The form of material the cell takes in during phagocytosis is

  1. frozen form
  2. solid form
  3. liquid form
  4. gaseous form

Cells and Tissues Learning App: Free Download Android & iOS

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Cells and Tissues App (Android & iOS)

Cells and Tissues App (Android & iOS)

9th Grade Biology App (Android & iOS)

9th Grade Biology App (iOS & Android)

SAT Biology App (Android & iOS)

SAT Biology App (Android & iOS)

Cell Biology App (Android & iOS)

Cell Biology App (iOS & Android)