Chapter 5: Class 8 Math Exam Tests
Class 8 Math MCQs - Chapter 5
The Mensuration arc length, sector area and radian measure Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) with Answers PDF (Mensuration Arc Length, Sector Area and Radian Measure MCQ PDF e-Book) download Ch. 5-2 to learn Grade 8 Math Course. Study Arc Length and Area of Sector Multiple Choice Questions and Answers (MCQs) PDF, Mensuration Arc Length, Sector Area and Radian Measure Quiz Questions and Answers to study online schools courses. The Mensuration Arc Length, Sector Area and Radian Measure MCQ App Download: Free educational app for arc length and area of sector, symmetrical properties of circles, radian (rad), circle area and circumference test prep for online elementary school.
The MCQs: If the radius is 18 cm and the angle at center of circle is 120° then the area of sector is; "Mensuration Arc Length, Sector Area and Radian Measure" App (Android, iOS) with answers: 339.3 cm²; 382.4 cm²; 350 cm²; 300 cm²; to study online schools courses. Practice Arc Length and Area of Sector MCQ Questions, download Apple e-Book (Free Sample) for online degree programs.
If the radius is 18 cm and the angle at center of circle is 120° then the area of sector is
The largest part of the circle divided by the chord is called
The chord divides the circle into
The value of tan π⁄7 considering radian is
If the circumference of circle is 64π then the area of circle (in terms of π) is
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