Class 8 Courses

Chapter 1: Class 8 Math Exam Tests

Class 8 Math MCQs - Chapter 1

Coordinate Geometry Quiz Questions & Answers PDF Download - 3

The Coordinate geometry Quiz Questions and Answers PDF (coordinate geometry Quiz PDF e-Book) download Ch. 1-3 to learn Grade 8 Math Course. Solve Length of Line Segment MCQs PDF, Coordinate Geometry Quiz Questions and Answers for online certificate programs. The Coordinate Geometry Quiz App Download: Free learning app for length of line segment test prep for online learning.

The Quiz: In gradient-intercept form of equation y = mx + c, the 'c' denotes; "Coordinate Geometry" App (iOS, Android) with answers: Intercept on x-axis; Gradient of straight line; Gradient of independent variable; Intercept on y-axis; for online certificate programs. Study Length of Line Segment MCQ Questions, download Amazon eBook (Free Sample) for virtual online school.

Coordinate Geometry Exam Questions and Answers PDF Download: Test 3

MCQ 11:

In gradient-intercept form of equation y = mx + c, the 'c' denotes

  1. gradient of straight line
  2. intercept on x-axis
  3. gradient of independent variable
  4. intercept on y-axis
MCQ 12:

In gradient-intercept form of equation y = mx + c, the point where line cuts y-axis is

  1. (3, c)
  2. (0, c)
  3. (1, c)
  4. (2, c)
MCQ 13:

The straight line equation y = x⁄3 + 1⁄4 cuts y-axis at the point

  1. (0, x⁄4)
  2. (0, 1⁄3)
  3. (0, 1⁄4)
  4. (0, x⁄3)
MCQ 14:

In gradient-intercept form of equation y = mx + c, the 'm' denotes

  1. gradient of independent variable
  2. intercept on y-axis
  3. gradient of straight line
  4. intercept on x-axis
MCQ 15:

If coordinates of A and B are (5, 6) and (9, 10) respectively then the length of line segment AB is

  1. 13.66
  2. 9.66
  3. 5.66
  4. 7.66

Coordinate Geometry Learning App: Free Download Android & iOS

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Coordinate Geometry App (Android & iOS)

Coordinate Geometry App (Android & iOS)

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