Class 7 Courses

Chapter 17: Class 7 Science Exam Tests

Class 7 Science MCQs - Chapter 17

Physical and Chemical Changes Quiz Questions & Answers PDF Download - 27

The Physical and chemical changes Quiz Questions and Answers PDF (physical and chemical changes Quiz PDF e-Book) download Ch. 17-27 to learn Grade 7 Science Course. Solve Solids Liquids and Gases MCQs PDF, Physical and Chemical Changes Quiz Questions and Answers to study online classes courses. The Physical and Chemical Changes Quiz App Download: Free learning app for solids liquids and gases, methane, polythene, polyvinyl chloride test prep for online education programs.

The Quiz: The density of 'solids' is; "Physical and Chemical Changes" App (iOS, Android) with answers: Higher than liquids but lower than gases; Lower than liquids but higher than gases; Higher than both liquids and gases; Lower than both liquids and gases; to study online classes courses. Study Solids Liquids and Gases MCQ Questions, download Amazon eBook (Free Sample) for online education.

Physical and Chemical Changes Exam Questions and Answers PDF Download: Test 27

MCQ 131:

The density of 'solids' is

  1. lower than liquids but higher than gases
  2. higher than liquids but lower than gases
  3. higher than both liquids and gases
  4. lower than both liquids and gases
MCQ 132:

When methane is combusted, it combines with

  1. carbon dioxide
  2. oxygen
  3. hydrogen
  4. nitrogen
MCQ 133:

The new form of 'polythene' is called

  1. polypropene
  2. polybutene
  3. high density polyethene
  4. low density polyethene
MCQ 134:

The shape of 'gas' is

  1. indefinite
  2. definite
  3. indescribable
  4. dependent on air humidity
MCQ 135:

The short form of "Polyvinyl chloride" is

  1. PVCl
  2. PViCl
  3. PVC
  4. PoViCl

Physical and Chemical Changes Learning App: Free Download Android & iOS

The App: Physical and Chemical Changes Quiz App to learn Physical and Chemical Changes Textbook, 7th Grade Science Quiz App, and 8th Grade Science Quiz App. The "Physical and Chemical Changes" App to free download iOS & Android Apps includes complete analytics with interactive assessments. Download App Store & Play Store learning Apps & enjoy 100% functionality with subscriptions!

Physical and Chemical Changes App (Android & iOS)

Physical and Chemical Changes App (Android & iOS)

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