Class 7 Courses

Chapter 1: Class 7 Science Exam Tests

Class 7 Science MCQs - Chapter 1

Atoms and Atom Model Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) PDF Download - 18

The Atoms and atom model Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) with Answers PDF (Atoms and Atom Model MCQ PDF e-Book) download Ch. 1-18 to learn Grade 7 Science Course. Study Electrons and Shells Multiple Choice Questions and Answers (MCQs) PDF, Atoms and Atom Model Quiz Questions and Answers to study online certification courses. The Atoms and Atom Model MCQ App Download: Free educational app for electrons and shells, electron levels, chemical formulas, science and radioisotopes test prep for school certificate.

The MCQs: Second shell can hold up to; "Atoms and Atom Model" App (Android, iOS) with answers: Six electrons; Four electrons; Eight electrons; Twelve electrons; to study online certification courses. Practice Electrons and Shells MCQ Questions, download Apple e-Book (Free Sample) for online certifications.

Atoms and Atom Model MCQs with Answers PDF Download: Quiz 18

MCQ 86:

Second shell can hold up to

  1. four electrons
  2. six electrons
  3. eight electrons
  4. twelve electrons
MCQ 87:

The electronic configuration of sodium as K, L, M is

  1. 2, 1, 8
  2. 8, 1, 2
  3. 1, 2, 8
  4. 2, 8, 1
MCQ 88:

Hydrogen is a diatomic gas and its chemical formula is

  1. H2
  2. H2
  3. H
  4. Hy
MCQ 89:

The second shell with the second energy level is known as

  1. shell B
  2. shell L
  3. shell P
  4. shell K
MCQ 90:

As the unstable atoms break up into smaller atoms,

  1. energy is released
  2. radiations are released
  3. light is released
  4. heat is released

Atoms and Atom Model Textbook App: Free Download iOS & Android

The App: Atoms and Atom Model MCQ App to study Atoms and Atom Model Textbook, 7th Grade Science MCQs App, and 6th Grade Science MCQs App. The "Atoms and Atom Model MCQ" App to free download Android & iOS Apps includes complete analytics with interactive assessments. Download App Store & Play Store learning Apps & enjoy 100% functionality with subscriptions!

Atoms and Atom Model App (Android & iOS)

Atoms and Atom Model App (Android & iOS)

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7th Grade Science App (iOS & Android)

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6th Grade Science App (Android & iOS)

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