Class 7 Courses

Chapter 2: Class 7 English Exam Tests

Class 7 English MCQs - Chapter 2

Direct and Indirect Objects Quiz Questions & Answers PDF Download - 3

The Book Direct and indirect objects Quiz Questions, direct and indirect objects Quiz with Answers PDF download, e-Book Ch. 2-3 for online certificates. Practice Direct and Indirect Speech MCQs, direct and indirect objects quiz questions and answers for homeschool certification courses. Direct and Indirect Objects Quiz PDF: direct and indirect speech test prep for online certificate courses.

The MCQ Quiz: I said him, "Please stay here". PDF, "direct and indirect objects MCQs" App (iOS & Android) with choices i request him to stay there., i requested him to stay there., i requested him to stay there., and i am requested him to stay there. for homeschool certification courses. Solve direct and indirect speech quiz questions for school certificate programs for online certifications.

Direct and Indirect Objects MCQs PDF Download: English Quiz 3

MCQ 11:

I said him, "Please stay here".

  1. I requested him to stay there.
  2. I request him to stay there.
  3. I requested him to stay there.
  4. I am requested him to stay there.
MCQ 12:

I said to her, "You are at fault".

  1. I said to her that she is at fault.
  2. I said to her that you are at fault.
  3. I said to her that she was at fault.
  4. I said to her that she is being at fault.
MCQ 13:

They said, "We have solved new exercise".

  1. They said that we had solved new exercise.
  2. They said that they had been solved new exercise.
  3. They said that they have been solved new exercise.
  4. They said that they had solved new exercise.
MCQ 14:

The teacher says, "Hardworking never goes unrewarded".

  1. The teacher advised hard working never go unrewarded.
  2. The teacher advised hard working never went unrewarded.
  3. The teacher advises hard working never goes unrewarded.
  4. The teacher had advised hard working never goes unrewarded.
MCQ 15:

He said, "It is raining heavily".

  1. He said that it was raining heavily.
  2. He said that it is raining heavily.
  3. He said that it rained heavily.
  4. He said that it was rained heavily.

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