Class 6 Courses

Chapter 1: Class 6 English Exam Tests

Class 6 English MCQs - Chapter 1

Active Voice and Passive Voice Quiz Questions & Answers PDF Download - 3

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Active Voice and Passive Voice MCQs PDF Download: English Quiz 3

MCQ 11:

He has shown good performance.

  1. Good performance has shown by him.
  2. Good performance has been shown by him.
  3. Good performance had been shown by him.
  4. Good performance has be shown by him.
MCQ 12:

Will you save my secrets?

  1. Will my secrets saved by you.?
  2. Will my secretes be saved by you?
  3. Would my secretes save by you?
  4. Would my secrets be saved by you?
MCQ 13:

The school has announced the result.

  1. The result has announced by the school.
  2. The result has been announced by the school.
  3. The result has be announced by the school.
  4. The result has being announced by the school.
MCQ 14:

The boys will have taken an exam.

  1. An exam would taken by the boys.
  2. An exam would have taken by the boys.
  3. An exams will had been taken by the boys.
  4. An exams will have been taken by the boys.
MCQ 15:

My father did not buy a new car.

  1. A new car was not be bought by my father?
  2. A new car is not bought by my father.
  3. A new car was not bought by my father.
  4. A new car is not be bought by my father.

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