Class 10 Courses

Chapter 7: Class 10 Physics Exam Tests

Class 10 Physics MCQs - Chapter 7

Information and Communication Technology Quiz Questions & Answers PDF Download - 15

The Information and communication technology Quiz Questions and Answers PDF (information and communication technology Quiz PDF e-Book) download Ch. 7-15 to learn Grade 10 Physics Course. Solve Transmission of Light Signals through Optical Fibers MCQs PDF, Information and Communication Technology Quiz Questions and Answers to study high school online courses. The Information and Communication Technology Quiz App Download: Free learning app for transmission of light signals through optical fibers, information and communication technology, electric signal transmission, information storage devices test prep for online school courses.

The Quiz: A word processing program that you can use to write letters on your computer is a type of; "Information and Communication Technology" App (iOS, Android) with answers: Hardware; Software; Cluster; Transmitter; to study high school online courses. Study Transmission of Light Signals through Optical Fibers MCQ Questions, download Amazon eBook (Free Sample) for online education.

Information and Communication Technology Exam Questions and Answers PDF Download: Test 15

MCQ 71:

A word processing program that you can use to write letters on your computer is a type of

  1. software
  2. hardware
  3. cluster
  4. transmitter
MCQ 72:

All modern telecommunications use some form of

  1. chemical radiation
  2. electromagnetic radiation
  3. nuclear radiation
  4. atomic radiation
MCQ 73:

The light will escape through optic fiber if the angle of incidence with cladding becomes

  1. more than critical angle
  2. less than critical angle
  3. equal to critical angle
  4. equal to total internal reflection
MCQ 74:

A device used to transfer data between computers is called

  1. DVD
  2. CD
  3. Hard drive
  4. Flash drive
MCQ 75:

In Computer terminology, the processed data is called

  1. binary data
  2. code
  3. information
  4. language

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Information and Communication Technology App (Android & iOS)

Information and Communication Technology App (Android & iOS)

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10th Grade Physics App (iOS & Android)

A Level Physics App (Android & iOS)

A Level Physics App (Android & iOS)

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9th Grade Physics App (iOS & Android)