Chapter 3: Class 10 Physics Exam Tests
Class 10 Physics MCQs - Chapter 3
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The Quiz: If 2 resistors of 5kΩ and 7kΩ are connected in series across a 15V battery, then the potential difference across each of the resistance should be; "Current Electricity" App (iOS, Android) with answers: 10V, 14V; 2V, 3V; 5V, 7V; 8V, 6V; to learn e-learning courses. Study Resistors and Resistance MCQ Questions, download Amazon eBook (Free Sample) for online degrees.
If 2 resistors of 5kΩ and 7kΩ are connected in series across a 15V battery, then the potential difference across each of the resistance should be
If a person's skin is wet then the resistance becomes only 1000Ω resistance. How much current would he receive from the battery of 12 V?
When a potential difference of one volt is applied across the ends of a conductor and one ampere of current passes through it, then its resistance will be
The color of the terminal of the galvanometer that shows the positive polarity is
The specific resistance of the copper wire is
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