Class 10 Courses

Chapter 10: Class 10 Chemistry Exam Tests

Class 10 Chemistry MCQs - Chapter 10

The Atmosphere Quiz Questions & Answers PDF Download - 3

The The atmosphere Quiz Questions and Answers PDF (the atmosphere Quiz PDF e-Book) download Ch. 10-3 to learn Grade 10 Chemistry Course. Solve Troposphere MCQs PDF, The Atmosphere Quiz Questions and Answers to study online classes courses. The The Atmosphere Quiz App Download: Free learning app for troposphere, meteorology, atmosphere composition, climatology, composition of atmosphere test prep for distance learning classes.

The Quiz: The mass of atmosphere contained in the troposphere is about; "The Atmosphere" App (iOS, Android) with answers: 75-80%; 10-20%; 90-100%; 50-60%; to study online classes courses. Study Troposphere MCQ Questions, download Amazon eBook (Free Sample) for school certificate.

The Atmosphere Exam Questions and Answers PDF Download: Test 3

MCQ 11:

The mass of atmosphere contained in the troposphere is about

  1. 10-20%
  2. 75-80%
  3. 90-100%
  4. 50-60%
MCQ 12:

The maximum amount of ozone (O3) is present in

  1. troposphere
  2. stratosphere
  3. mesosphere
  4. thermosphere
MCQ 13:

The amount of Nitrogen (N2) present in dry air is

  1. 0.2
  2. 0.78
  3. 0.48
  4. 0.68
MCQ 14:

Percentage of carbon dioxide in the air is

  1. 0.78
  2. 0.21
  3. 0.0093
  4. 0.0004
MCQ 15:

Percentage of helium in the air is

  1. 0.000624
  2. 0.000524
  3. 0.000724
  4. 0.000824

The Atmosphere Learning App: Free Download Android & iOS

The App: The Atmosphere Quiz App to learn The Atmosphere Textbook, 10th Grade Chemistry Quiz App, and SAT Chemistry Quiz App. The "The Atmosphere" App to free download iOS & Android Apps includes complete analytics with interactive assessments. Download App Store & Play Store learning Apps & enjoy 100% functionality with subscriptions!

The Atmosphere App (Android & iOS)

The Atmosphere App (Android & iOS)

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