Chapter 9: Class 10 Chemistry Exam Tests
Class 10 Chemistry MCQs - Chapter 9
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The Quiz: What is the term used for an atom or group of atoms that provide a family of organic compounds its characteristic properties; "Organic Chemistry" App (iOS, Android) with answers: Functional group; Alkyl group; Hydrocarbons; Structural group; for online certificate programs. Study Functional Groups MCQ Questions, download Amazon eBook (Free Sample) for free online courses.
What is the term used for an atom or group of atoms that provide a family of organic compounds its characteristic properties?
What is the term used for the hydrocarbons whose carbon-carbon bonds are all single bonds?
Which of the following is the simplest alkane?
How many isomers are contained by pentane?
If the OH group is attached to the benzene ring, the compound form is
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