Class 10 Courses

Chapter 2: Class 10 Chemistry Exam Tests

Class 10 Chemistry MCQs - Chapter 2

Biochemistry Quiz Questions & Answers PDF Download - 35

The Biochemistry Quiz Questions and Answers PDF (biochemistry Quiz PDF e-Book) download Ch. 2-35 to learn Grade 10 Chemistry Course. Solve Proteins MCQs PDF, Biochemistry Quiz Questions and Answers to learn online schools courses. The Biochemistry Quiz App Download: Free learning app for proteins, lipids, vitamins test prep for free online classes.

The Quiz: Proteins work in the body to; "Biochemistry" App (iOS, Android) with answers: Speed up reactions; Transport and store oxygen and nutrients; Regulate important systems; to learn online schools courses. Study Proteins MCQ Questions, download Amazon eBook (Free Sample) for distance education.

Biochemistry Exam Questions and Answers PDF Download: Test 35

MCQ 171:

Proteins work in the body to

  1. transport and store oxygen and nutrients
  2. speed up reactions
  3. regulate important systems
  4. all of above
MCQ 172:

As compared to the energy provided by carbohydrates, how much energy per gram is provided by fats and oils?

  1. twice
  2. thrice
  3. four times
  4. five times
MCQ 173:

Important sources of proteins are

  1. meat
  2. eggs
  3. cheese
  4. all of above
MCQ 174:

Which of the following must be present in our diet?

  1. essential amino acids
  2. non-essential amino acids
  3. lipids
  4. proteins
MCQ 175:

Which of the following is a group of several vitamins?

  1. vitamin A
  2. vitamin B
  3. vitamin C
  4. vitamin D

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