Class 8 Courses

Chapter 18: Earth Science Exam Tests

Earth Science MCQs - Chapter 18

Rocks and Minerals Mixtures Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) PDF Download - 6

The Rocks and minerals mixtures Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) with Answers PDF (Rocks and Minerals Mixtures MCQ PDF e-Book) download Ch. 18-6 to learn Earth Science Course. Study Igneous Rock Formation Multiple Choice Questions and Answers (MCQs) PDF, Rocks and Minerals Mixtures Quiz Questions and Answers for high school certification courses. The Rocks and Minerals Mixtures MCQ App Download: Free educational app for igneous rock formation, textures of metamorphic rock, rocks classification, origins of metamorphic rock, earth shape and processes test prep for online school and college.

The MCQs: When magma cools slowly, the crystals formed are; "Rocks and Minerals Mixtures" App (Android, iOS) with answers: Large but translucent; Large but opaque; Small but opaque; Small but translucent; for high school certification courses. Practice Igneous Rock Formation MCQ Questions, download Apple e-Book (Free Sample) for online school courses.

Rocks and Minerals Mixtures MCQs with Answers PDF Download: Quiz 6

MCQ 26:

When magma cools slowly, the crystals formed are

  1. large but opaque
  2. large but translucent
  3. small but opaque
  4. small but translucent
MCQ 27:

Quartz sandstone is a

  1. sedimentary rock
  2. igneous rock
  3. foliated metamorphic rock
  4. nonfoliated metamorphic rock
MCQ 28:

The size of particle in medium-grained texture is

  1. more than 2mm
  2. more than 10mm
  3. less than 8mm
  4. less than 2mm
MCQ 29:

The texture and mineral composition of a rock can change due to

  1. its durability
  2. heat and pressure
  3. its surroundings
  4. water content
MCQ 30:

In some cases, the sediment get hot enough to melt which is known as

  1. lava
  2. igneous rocks
  3. magma
  4. meteoroids

Rocks and Minerals Mixtures Textbook App: Free Download iOS & Android

The App: Rocks and Minerals Mixtures MCQ App to study Rocks and Minerals Mixtures Textbook, Earth Science MCQs App, and 7th Grade Science MCQs App. The "Rocks and Minerals Mixtures MCQ" App to free download Android & iOS Apps includes complete analytics with interactive assessments. Download App Store & Play Store learning Apps & enjoy 100% functionality with subscriptions!

Rocks and Minerals Mixtures App (Android & iOS)

Rocks and Minerals Mixtures App (Android & iOS)

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