Class 8 Courses

Chapter 4: Earth Science Exam Tests

Earth Science MCQs - Chapter 4

Earth Atmosphere Trivia Questions & Answers PDF Download - 4

The Earth atmosphere Trivia Questions and Answers PDF (earth atmosphere Quiz Answers PDF e-Book) download Ch. 4-4 to study Earth Science Course. Practice Global Winds MCQ PDF, Earth Atmosphere Quiz Questions and Answers to study online schools courses. The Earth Atmosphere Trivia App Download: Free certification app for global winds, physical science, primary pollutants test prep for distance learning.

The Quiz: The area where trade winds of both hemisphere meet is called; "Earth Atmosphere" App APK Download with answers: Polar easterlies; Horse latitude; Westerlies; Doldrums; to study online schools courses. Practice Global Winds MCQ Questions, download Kindle eBook (Free Sample) for online courses.

Earth Atmosphere Test Questions and Answers PDF Download: MCQ 4

MCQ 16:

The area where trade winds of both hemisphere meet is called

  1. horse latitude
  2. polar easterlies
  3. westerlies
  4. doldrums
MCQ 17:

In both hemisphere the movement of winds above 30 ° on either side are the

  1. westerlies
  2. trade winds
  3. polar easterlies
  4. Coriolis effect
MCQ 18:

The sinking air which produces area of high pressure is called

  1. horse latitude
  2. polar easterlies
  3. westerlies
  4. doldrums
MCQ 19:

The primary pollutants responsible for air pollution includes

  1. sewage
  2. oil spill
  3. volcanic ash
  4. dump material
MCQ 20:

During the day time the heating of sun produces

  1. valley breeze
  2. mountain breeze
  3. lake breeze
  4. shift breeze

Earth Atmosphere Textbook App: Free Download iOS & Android

The App: Earth Atmosphere Quiz App to study Earth Atmosphere Textbook, Earth Science Quiz App, and 6th Grade Science Quiz App. The "Earth Atmosphere Quiz" App to free download Android & iOS Apps includes complete analytics with interactive assessments. Download App Store & Play Store learning Apps & enjoy 100% functionality with subscriptions!

Earth Atmosphere App (Android & iOS)

Earth Atmosphere App (Android & iOS)

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