Class 8 Courses

Chapter 1: Earth Science Exam Tests

Earth Science MCQs - Chapter 1

Agents of Erosion and Deposition Quiz Questions & Answers PDF Download - 3

The Agents of erosion and deposition Quiz Questions and Answers PDF (agents of erosion and deposition Quiz PDF e-Book) download Ch. 1-3 to learn Earth Science Course. Solve Rapid Mass Movement MCQs PDF, Agents of Erosion and Deposition Quiz Questions and Answers for high school certification courses. The Agents of Erosion and Deposition Quiz App Download: Free learning app for rapid mass movement, slow mass movement, glaciers and landforms carved test prep for online degree programs.

The Quiz: When loose rocks fall off a steep slope it is called; "Agents of Erosion and Deposition" App (iOS, Android) with answers: Rock fall; Rock sliding; Rock melting; Landslide; for high school certification courses. Study Rapid Mass Movement MCQ Questions, download Amazon eBook (Free Sample) for online learning.

Agents of Erosion and Deposition Exam Questions and Answers PDF Download: Test 3

MCQ 11:

When loose rocks fall off a steep slope it is called

  1. rock sliding
  2. rock fall
  3. rock melting
  4. landslide
MCQ 12:

A sudden movement of material like rock and soil down a slope is called as

  1. rock sliding
  2. rock fall
  3. rock melting
  4. landslide
MCQ 13:

A movement of weathered hill material extremely slow is regarded as

  1. rapid mass movement
  2. slow mass movement
  3. gradual mass movement
  4. steady mass movement
MCQ 14:

Smaller glacial valleys which are joined with main deeper valley are the

  1. u-shaped valley
  2. hanging valley
  3. deep valley
  4. glacier valley
MCQ 15:

Lahars are the mud flow of origin that is

  1. muddy
  2. volcanic
  3. watery
  4. glacial

Agents of Erosion and Deposition Learning App: Free Download Android & iOS

The App: Agents of Erosion and Deposition Quiz App to learn Agents of Erosion and Deposition Textbook, Earth Science Quiz App, and 7th Grade Science Quiz App. The "Agents of Erosion and Deposition" App to free download iOS & Android Apps includes complete analytics with interactive assessments. Download App Store & Play Store learning Apps & enjoy 100% functionality with subscriptions!

Agents of Erosion and Deposition App (Android & iOS)

Agents of Erosion and Deposition App (Android & iOS)

Earth Science App (Android & iOS)

Earth Science App (iOS & Android)

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7th Grade Science App (Android & iOS)

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