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Class 6 math Practice Tests

Class 6 Math Online Tests

Rate Calculations Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) PDF Download

The Book Rate calculations Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) with Answers (Rate Calculations MCQ PDF Download) free to learn 6th grade math online courses. Solve Ratio Rate and Speed Multiple Choice Questions and Answers (MCQs), Rate Calculations quiz answers PDF to study online certification courses. The Rate Calculations MCQ App Download: Free learning app for ratio calculations, average rate, time calculation test prep for online schools.

The MCQ: If the cost of 1kg of flour is $2.6 then the cost of 12kg of flour (in dollars) is; "Rate Calculations" App Download (Free) with answers 43.2, 35.2, 31.2 and 41.2 to study online certification courses. Solve ratio rate and speed quiz questions, download Google eBook (Free Sample) for distance learning.

Rate Calculations MCQs: Questions and Answers PDF Download

MCQ 1: If the cost of 1kg of flour is $2.6 then the cost of 12kg of flour (in dollars) is

  1. 43.2
  2. 35.2
  3. 31.2
  4. 41.2

MCQ 2: If a worker works 8 hours for $25 then the pay for working 10 hours is

  1. 31.25
  2. 40.25
  3. 50
  4. 39.25

MCQ 3: A car can travel 200km in 19 liters. If car travels 300km on petrol and one liter of petrol costs $2.5 then total cost of petrol (in dollars) will be

  1. $97.25
  2. $71.25
  3. $80.25
  4. $85.25

MCQ 4: In a restaurant, dough for pastries is kneaded by using 5-liter bottles of water in 40 days. If restaurant wants to buy gallons in 15liter packaging then number of 15liter gallons that restaurant must buy in 90 days are

  1. 380 bottles of 15 liter
  2. 270 bottles of 15 liter
  3. 300 bottles of 15 liter
  4. 350 bottles of 15 liter

MCQ 5: If an employee works for 6 hours in $13 then his pay for 8 hours will be

  1. 28.34
  2. 25.34
  3. 20.34
  4. 17.34

Class 6 Math Practice Tests

Rate Calculations Learning App & Free Study Apps

Download Rate Calculations MCQs App to learn Rate Calculations MCQs, 6th Grade Math Learning App, and 9th Grade Math MCQ Apps. Free "Rate Calculations" App to download Android & iOS Apps includes complete analytics with interactive assessments. Download App Store & Play Store learning Apps & enjoy 100% functionality with subscriptions!

Rate Calculations App (Android & iOS)

Rate Calculations App (Android & iOS)

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