Class 8 Courses

Chapter 11: Class 8 Science Exam Tests

Class 8 Science MCQs - Chapter 11

Rocks and Weathering Trivia Questions & Answers PDF Download - 4

The Rocks and weathering Trivia Questions and Answers PDF (rocks and weathering Quiz Answers PDF e-Book) download Ch. 11-4 to study Grade 8 Science Course. Practice Sediments and Layers MCQ PDF, Rocks and Weathering Quiz Questions and Answers to study online school courses. The Rocks and Weathering Trivia App Download: Free certification app for sediments and layers, weathering of rocks test prep for online classes.

The Quiz: Different appearance of each layer is due to different type of; "Rocks and Weathering" App APK Download with answers: Minerals; Sediments; Rain water; Weathering; to study online school courses. Practice Sediments and Layers MCQ Questions, download Kindle eBook (Free Sample) for taking online classes.

Rocks and Weathering Test Questions and Answers PDF Download: MCQ 4

MCQ 16:

Different appearance of each layer is due to different type of

  1. sediments
  2. minerals
  3. rain water
  4. weathering
MCQ 17:

Water expands on

  1. room temperature
  2. boiling
  3. freezing
  4. flowing
MCQ 18:

Weathering and erosion both alter its

  1. shape
  2. size
  3. volume
  4. landforms
MCQ 19:

The top of mountains at night time are

  1. hot
  2. cold
  3. mild
  4. temperate
MCQ 20:

The carbon dioxide which is present in air produces weak acid in rain called

  1. carbonic acid
  2. sulphuric acid
  3. acetic acid
  4. oxalic acid

Rocks and Weathering Textbook App: Free Download iOS & Android

The App: Rocks and Weathering Quiz App to study Rocks and Weathering Textbook, 8th Grade Science Quiz App, and 7th Grade Science Quiz App. The "Rocks and Weathering Quiz" App to free download Android & iOS Apps includes complete analytics with interactive assessments. Download App Store & Play Store learning Apps & enjoy 100% functionality with subscriptions!

Rocks and Weathering App (Android & iOS)

Rocks and Weathering App (Android & iOS)

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8th Grade Science App (iOS & Android)

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