Chapter 6: Class 6 Geography Exam Tests
Class 6 Geography MCQs - Chapter 6
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The Quiz: The study of our planet Earth regarding its features such as vegetation, rivers, mountains and climate is called; "Introduction to Geography" App (iOS, Android) with answers: Geotechnical; Encyclopedia; Geology; Geography; for online certificate programs. Study What is Geography MCQ Questions, download Amazon eBook (Free Sample) for virtual online school.
The study of our planet Earth regarding its features such as vegetation, rivers, mountains and climate is called
In the word geography, the 'graphy' comes from 'graphein' which means
The natural water bodies on Earth such as lakes, swamps and rivers are classified as
The surrounding consisting on land in which animals, plants and people lives is classified as
Considering the physical geography of Earth, the plains, mountains and plateaus are classified as its
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