Class 6 Courses

Chapter 2: Class 6 Geography Exam Tests

Class 6 Geography MCQs - Chapter 2

Climate and Natural Vegetation Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) PDF Download - 13

The Climate and natural vegetation Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) with Answers PDF (climate and natural vegetation MCQs PDF e-Book) download Ch. 2-13 to study Grade 6 Geography Course. Learn Climate and Natural Vegetation Quiz Questions and Answers to study online certification courses. The Climate and Natural Vegetation MCQs App Download: Free learning app for tropical rainforest biome, coniferous forest, geography: equator, earth main ecosystems test prep for distance learning.

The MCQ: Considering the biomes, the regions where lichens, mosses and shrubs are dominate type of vegetation are called; "Climate and Natural Vegetation" App Download (Free) with answers: Desert biomes; Polar biomes; Forest biomes; Grassland biomes; to study online certification courses. Solve Tropical Rainforest Biome MCQ Questions, download Google eBook (Free Sample) for taking online classes.

Climate and Natural Vegetation MCQs with Answers PDF Download: Quiz 13

MCQ 61:

Considering the biomes, the regions where lichens, mosses and shrubs are dominate type of vegetation are called

  1. polar biomes
  2. desert biomes
  3. forest biomes
  4. grassland biomes
MCQ 62:

The areas in which coniferous forests are found includes

  1. northern parts of South America
  2. Bangladesh, Chile and China
  3. Japan, Myanmar and Chile
  4. Europe, China and Japan
MCQ 63:

The location of temperate grasslands on the equator is

  1. 25° north and 40° south
  2. 35° north and 55° south
  3. 20° north and 50° south
  4. 10° north and 30° south
MCQ 64:

The commonly found plants in the canopy layer of rainforest are

  1. walnut and oak
  2. birch and maple
  3. epiphytes and lianas
  4. beech and oak
MCQ 65:

Considering the biomes, the regions where grass is dominate type of vegetation is called

  1. forest biome
  2. grassland biome
  3. polar biome
  4. desert biome

Climate and Natural Vegetation Learning App: Free Download Android & iOS

The App: Climate and Natural Vegetation MCQs App to learn Climate and Natural Vegetation Textbook, 6th Grade Geography MCQ App, and Physical Geography MCQs App. The "Climate and Natural Vegetation" App to free download iOS & Android Apps includes complete analytics with interactive assessments. Download App Store & Play Store learning Apps & enjoy 100% functionality with subscriptions!

Climate and Natural Vegetation App (Android & iOS)

Climate and Natural Vegetation App (Android & iOS)

6th Grade Geography App (Android & iOS)

6th Grade Geography App (iOS & Android)

Physical Geography App (Android & iOS)

Physical Geography App (Android & iOS)

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O Level Geography App (iOS & Android)