Class 10 Courses

Chapter : Class 10 Physics Exam Tests

Class 10 Physics MCQs - Chapter

Atomic and Nuclear Physics Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) PDF Download - 17

The Atomic and nuclear physics Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) with Answers PDF (atomic and nuclear physics MCQs PDF e-Book) download Ch. -17 to study Grade 10 Physics Course. Learn Atomic and Nuclear Physics Quiz Questions and Answers to learn online schools courses. The Atomic and Nuclear Physics MCQs App Download: Free learning app for nuclear transmutations, natural radioactivity, half life measurement test prep for distance learning.

The MCQ: The greatest power of ionization is in; "Atomic and Nuclear Physics" App Download (Free) with answers: Gamma particles; Alpha particles; Beta particles; to learn online schools courses. Solve Nuclear Transmutations MCQ Questions, download Google eBook (Free Sample) for online teaching certification programs.

Atomic and Nuclear Physics MCQs with Answers PDF Download: Quiz 17

MCQ 81:

The greatest power of ionization is in

  1. alpha particles
  2. gamma particles
  3. beta particles
  4. none of above
MCQ 82:

The radiations bend in the opposite direction in the magnetic field are

  1. α and β radiations
  2. α and γ radiations
  3. γ and β radiations
  4. all of above
MCQ 83:

The radiation that does not change its direction inside the magnetic field is

  1. alpha
  2. beta
  3. gamma
  4. x-ray
MCQ 84:

The half-life of &15&3N is 6.5 s. A sample of this nuclide of hydrogen is observed for 32.5 s. The fraction of the original radioactive isotope remaining after this time is

  1. 1 ⁄ 32
  2. 1 ⁄ 16
  3. 1 ⁄ 8
  4. 1 ⁄ 4
MCQ 85:

The radiation which does not change its direction is

  1. β radiation
  2. α radiation
  3. γ radiation
  4. no radiation

Atomic and Nuclear Physics Learning App: Free Download Android & iOS

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Atomic and Nuclear Physics App (Android & iOS)

Atomic and Nuclear Physics App (Android & iOS)

10th Grade Physics App (Android & iOS)

10th Grade Physics App (iOS & Android)

SAT Physics App (Android & iOS)

SAT Physics App (Android & iOS)

9th Grade Physics App (Android & iOS)

9th Grade Physics App (iOS & Android)