Class 10 Courses

Class 10 biology Practice Tests

Class 10 Biology Online Tests

Entry Test Biology MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions) PDF Download

The Entry test biology Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) with Answers PDF (Entry Test Biology MCQ PDF e-Book) download to practice Grade 10 Biology Tests. Study Coordination and Control Multiple Choice Questions and Answers (MCQs), Entry Test Biology quiz answers PDF to learn high school online courses. The Entry Test Biology MCQ App Download: Free learning app for coordination, endocrine system test prep for distance learning classes.

The MCQ: Olfactory bulbs create a sense of; "Entry Test: Biology" App Download (Free) with answers: Vision; Hearing; Taste; Smell; to learn high school online courses. Solve Coordination and Control Quiz Questions, download Apple eBook (Free Sample) for school certificate.

Entry Test Biology MCQ (PDF) Questions Answers Download

MCQ 1:

The largest part of the forebrain is

  1. thalamus
  2. cerebrum
  3. hippocampus
  4. cerebellum
MCQ 2:

olfactory bulbs create a sense of

  1. vision
  2. hearing
  3. taste
  4. smell
MCQ 3:

The part of the cerebrum that functions for the formation of new memories is

  1. hypothalamus
  2. medulla oblongata
  3. hippocampus
  4. olfactory bulbs
MCQ 4:

The cerebral lobe that is concerned with hearing and smell

  1. frontal
  2. parietal
  3. temporal
  4. occipital
MCQ 5:

The forebrain is highly developed in

  1. humans
  2. birds
  3. animals
  4. reptiles

Class 10 Biology Practice Tests

Entry Test Biology Learning App: Free Download Android & iOS

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Entry Test Biology App (Android & iOS)

Entry Test Biology App (Android & iOS)

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10th Grade Biology App (iOS & Android)

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