Class 8 Courses

Inventions Quizzes

Inventions Practice Test 138

Microwave Oven Quiz PDF: Questions and Answers - 138

The Microwave Oven Trivia Questions and Answers PDF (Microwave Oven Quiz Answers PDF e-Book) download Test 138 to learn inventions online courses. Practice Inventions and Inventors MCQ questions, Microwave Oven Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) for online college degrees. The Microwave Oven Quiz App: Download free certification app for lawn mower, gas turbine, modern roads, rocket, microwave oven test prep for distance learning.

The Quiz: Microwave oven was invented by an American engineer named as; "Microwave Oven" App (iOS, Android) with answers: Dr Raymond Lemieux; Sir Percy Spencer; Sir Peter Williamson; Sir Enrico Fermi; for free online courses. Study inventions and inventors questions and answers, Apple e-Book to download free sample for online certificate courses.

Microwave Oven Questions and Answers PDF Download: Quiz 138

MCQ 686:

The microwave oven was invented by an American engineer named as

  1. Sir Percy Spencer
  2. Dr Raymond Lemieux
  3. Sir Peter Williamson
  4. Sir Enrico Fermi
MCQ 687:

The rocket was invented by an American professor, physicist named as

  1. Dr Dennis Colonello
  2. Sir Robert Hutchings Goddard
  3. Sir Thomas Edison
  4. Jaques Plante
MCQ 688:

Which one of the following engineer designed the first modern road?

  1. Sir William Shockley
  2. John Loudon McAdam
  3. Sir Alexander
  4. Sir Johannes Gutenberg
MCQ 689:

Gas turbine was invented by an English coal viewer in

  1. 1791
  2. 1750
  3. 1722
  4. 1706
MCQ 690:

Lawn mower by an engineer was invented in

  1. 1830
  2. 1840
  3. 1850
  4. 1860

Mock Tests: Inventions Course Prep

Microwave Oven Textbook App: Free Download iOS & Android

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Microwave Oven App (Android & iOS)

Microwave Oven App (Android & iOS)

Inventions App (Android & iOS)

Inventions App (iOS & Android)

DataBase Management System (MCS) App (Android & iOS)

DataBase Management System (MCS) App (Android & iOS)

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Textile Technology App (iOS & Android)