Class 8 Courses

Inventions Quizzes

Inventions Practice Test 117

Washing Machine Quiz PDF: Questions and Answers - 117

The Washing Machine Trivia Questions and Answers PDF (Washing Machine Quiz Answers PDF e-Book) download Test 117 to learn inventions online courses. Practice Inventions and Inventors MCQ questions, Washing Machine Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) for online college degrees. The Washing Machine Quiz App: Download free certification app for acetylene buoy, comic strips, alkaline storage batteries, railway sleeper car, washing machine test prep for online education programs.

The Quiz: Washing machine was introduced by; "Washing Machine" App (iOS, Android) with answers: Sir Hans von Ohain; Sir Frank Whittle; Sir Alva J. Fisher; Sir Otto Blathy; for distance learning. Study inventions and inventors questions and answers, Apple e-Book to download free sample for elementary school graduation certificate.

Washing Machine Questions and Answers PDF Download: Quiz 117

MCQ 581:

Washing machine was introduced by

  1. Sir Frank Whittle
  2. Sir Hans von Ohain
  3. Sir Alva J. Fisher
  4. Sir Otto Blathy
MCQ 582:

In which one of the following year, the railway sleeper car was discovered?

  1. 1857
  2. 1865
  3. 1813
  4. 1842
MCQ 583:

Batteries with an alkaline electrolyte were first developed by

  1. Sir John Logie Baird
  2. Sir James Collip
  3. Sir Waldemar Jungner
  4. Sir J.Stuart Blackton
MCQ 584:

In which one of the following country comic strips were discovered?

  1. Germany
  2. England
  3. France
  4. Switzerland
MCQ 585:

In which one of the following year, Acetylene Buoy was invented?

  1. 1923
  2. 1933
  3. 1910
  4. 1904

Mock Tests: Inventions Course Prep

Washing Machine Learning App: Free Download Android & iOS

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Washing Machine App (Android & iOS)

Washing Machine App (Android & iOS)

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