Class 6 Courses

Chapter 2: Class 6 Science Exam Tests

Class 6 Science MCQs - Chapter 2

Atoms Molecules Mixtures and Compounds Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) PDF Download - 22

The Atoms molecules mixtures and compounds Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) with Answers PDF (Atoms Molecules Mixtures and Compounds MCQ PDF e-Book) download Ch. 2-22 to learn Grade 6 Science Course. Study The Elements Multiple Choice Questions and Answers (MCQs) PDF, Atoms Molecules Mixtures and Compounds Quiz Questions and Answers to study online classes courses. The Atoms Molecules Mixtures and Compounds MCQ App Download: Free educational app for the elements, mixtures separation, mixtures and solutions, uses of compounds test prep for online education.

The MCQs: Lead has excellent vibration-dampening characteristics and is used in; "Atoms Molecules Mixtures and Compounds" App (Android, iOS) with answers: Plumbing; Construction; Decoration; Household; to study online classes courses. Practice The Elements MCQ Questions, download Apple e-Book (Free Sample) for free online classes.

Atoms Molecules Mixtures and Compounds MCQs with Answers PDF Download: Quiz 22

MCQ 106:

Lead has excellent vibration-dampening characteristics and is used in

  1. construction
  2. plumbing
  3. decoration
  4. household
MCQ 107:

An example of a suspension which can be separated by filtration is

  1. lemon soda
  2. ink
  3. sand & water
  4. salt & water
MCQ 108:

It is the tenth most abundant element in the universe, called

  1. zinc
  2. gold
  3. lead
  4. Sulphur
MCQ 109:

Bag containing candies and salad are examples of

  1. collection
  2. solution
  3. compound
  4. mixture
MCQ 110:

The chemical name of chalk is

  1. calcium oxide
  2. sodium bicarbonate
  3. ethanol
  4. calcium carbonate

Atoms Molecules Mixtures and Compounds Textbook App: Free Download iOS & Android

The App: Atoms Molecules Mixtures and Compounds MCQ App to study Atoms Molecules Mixtures and Compounds Textbook, 6th Grade Science MCQs App, and Earth Science MCQs App. The "Atoms Molecules Mixtures and Compounds MCQ" App to free download Android & iOS Apps includes complete analytics with interactive assessments. Download App Store & Play Store learning Apps & enjoy 100% functionality with subscriptions!

Atoms Molecules Mixtures and Compounds App (Android & iOS)

Atoms Molecules Mixtures and Compounds App (Android & iOS)

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6th Grade Science App (iOS & Android)

Earth Science App (Android & iOS)

Earth Science App (Android & iOS)

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