Class 8 Courses

Inventions Quizzes

Inventions Practice Test 84

lawn Mower Quiz PDF: Questions and Answers - 84

The lawn Mower Trivia Questions and Answers PDF (lawn Mower Quiz Answers PDF e-Book) download Test 84 to learn inventions online courses. Practice Inventions and Inventors MCQ questions, lawn Mower Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) for online college degrees. The lawn Mower Quiz App: Download free certification app for taser, sea creation, mobile phone, telephone, lawn mower test prep for virtual elementary school.

The Quiz: In which one of following country, lawn mower machine was invented; "lawn Mower" App (iOS, Android) with answers: Thrupp; Buffalo; Sweden; Denmark; for distance learning. Study inventions and inventors questions and answers, Apple e-Book to download free sample for online schools.

lawn Mower Questions and Answers PDF Download: Quiz 84

MCQ 416:

In which one of the following country, lawn mower machine was invented?

  1. Buffalo
  2. Thrupp
  3. Sweden
  4. Denmark
MCQ 417:

The telephone was invented by a Scottish born American inventor named as

  1. Sir Igory Sikorsky
  2. Sir Alessandro Volta
  3. Sir Alexander Graham Bell
  4. Sir Michael Faraday
MCQ 418:

The mobile phone is an invention of an American engineer named as

  1. Sir Philo Taylor Farnsworth
  2. Sir Thomas Edison
  3. Sir Igory Sikorsky
  4. Sir Martin Cooper
MCQ 419:

Sea creation, a construction material made from the electrolytic deposition of minerals from sea water is patented by

  1. Sir Wolf Hilbertz
  2. Sir Louis Pasteur
  3. Sir Frances Gabe
  4. Sir George Beers
MCQ 420:

Electronic immobilization device was invented by a physicist in

  1. 1913
  2. 1944
  3. 1987
  4. 1969

Mock Tests: Inventions Course Prep

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Inventions App (Android & iOS)

Inventions App (iOS & Android)

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