Class 8 Courses

Inventions Quizzes

Inventions Practice Test 52

Newsprint Quiz Questions and Answers PDF - 52

The Newsprint Quiz Questions and Answers PDF (Newsprint Quiz with Answers PDF e-Book) download Test 52 to learn inventions online courses. Practice Inventions and Inventors trivia questions, Newsprint Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) for online college degrees. The Newsprint Quiz App Download: Free learning app for paint roller, milky way and glaxy, transformer, compact disk, newsprint test prep for free online courses.

The Quiz: Newsprint was invented by; "Newsprint" App Download (Free) with answers: Sir T.E Rayan; Sir George Beers; Sir James Hillier; Sir Charles Fenerty; for distance learning. Solve inventions and inventors questions and answers, Amazon eBook to download free sample for online education programs.

Newsprint Questions and Answers PDF Download: Quiz 52

MCQ 256:

Newsprint was invented by

  1. Sir George Beers
  2. Sir T.E Rayan
  3. Sir James Hillier
  4. Sir Charles Fenerty
MCQ 257:

Compact Disk were invented by

  1. Sir George Smith
  2. Sir Willard Boyle
  3. Sir James Russell
  4. Sir Leon Battista Alberti
MCQ 258:

In which one of the following year Transformers were invented?

  1. 1825
  2. 1831
  3. 1845
  4. 1855
MCQ 259:

Which one of the following is considered as the first person, who maps the center of the Milky way and Galaxy?

  1. Sir Frank Drake
  2. Sir Solymon Merrick
  3. Sir Maurice Hilleman
  4. Sir Alhazen
MCQ 260:

In which one of the following year, paint roller was patented?

  1. 1912
  2. 1966
  3. 1940
  4. 1953

Mock Tests: Inventions Course Prep

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