Class 8 Courses

Inventions Quizzes

Inventions Practice Test 174

Laser Quiz PDF: Questions and Answers - 174

The Laser Trivia Questions and Answers PDF (Laser Quiz Answers PDF e-Book) download Test 174 to learn inventions online courses. Practice Inventions and Inventors MCQ questions, Laser Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) for online college degrees. The Laser Quiz App: Download free certification app for pascaline calculator, access bar, pencillin, gas turbine, laser test prep for online elementary school.

The Quiz: In which one of following year first laser was discovered; "Laser" App (iOS, Android) with answers: 1940; 1950; 1930; 1960; for online school and college. Study inventions and inventors questions and answers, Apple e-Book to download free sample for online degree programs.

Laser Questions and Answers PDF Download: Quiz 174

MCQ 866:

In which one of the following year the first laser was discovered?

  1. 1950
  2. 1940
  3. 1930
  4. 1960
MCQ 867:

In which one of the following year, internal combustion engine was discovered?

  1. 1811
  2. 1855
  3. 1826
  4. 1801
MCQ 868:

Penicillin was discovered by

  1. Sir Frances Gabe
  2. Sir George Beers
  3. Sir Alexander Fleming
  4. Sir Louis Pasteur
MCQ 869:

Patented food bar was designed to help burn fat by a pathologist in California named as

  1. Dr Larry wang
  2. Sir George Beers
  3. Sir Norman Rolston
  4. Sirr James Naismith
MCQ 870:

In which century, Pascaline calculator was patented?

  1. 16th Century
  2. 19th Century
  3. 17th Century
  4. 15th Century

Mock Tests: Inventions Course Prep

Laser Textbook App: Free Download iOS & Android

The App: Laser Quiz App to study Laser Textbook, Inventions Quiz App, and Electronic Circuit Design Quiz App. The "Laser Quiz" App to free download Android & iOS Apps includes complete analytics with interactive assessments. Download App Store & Play Store learning Apps & enjoy 100% functionality with subscriptions!

Laser App (Android & iOS)

Laser App (Android & iOS)

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Inventions App (iOS & Android)

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