Class 8 Courses

Inventions Quizzes

Inventions Practice Test 106

Capacitors Quiz Questions and Answers PDF - 106

The Capacitors Quiz Questions and Answers PDF (Capacitors Quiz with Answers PDF e-Book) download Test 106 to learn inventions online courses. Practice Inventions and Inventors trivia questions, Capacitors Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) for online college degrees. The Capacitors Quiz App Download: Free learning app for taser, biscuit cutter, peanut butter, artificial heart, capacitors test prep for elementary school graduation certificate.

The Quiz: In which one of following universities, capacitors were invented; "Capacitors" App Download (Free) with answers: University of Leyden; University of Heythrop; University of Heriot-Watt; University of Anglia Ruskin; for online elementary school courses. Solve inventions and inventors questions and answers, Amazon eBook to download free sample for online schools.

Capacitors Questions and Answers PDF Download: Quiz 106

MCQ 526:

In which one of the following universities, capacitors were invented?

  1. University of Heythrop
  2. University of Leyden
  3. University of Heriot-Watt
  4. University of Anglia Ruskin
MCQ 527:

Artificial kidney machine was patented by

  1. Sir Tom Kurtz
  2. Sir Richard Morris Hunt
  3. Sir Willem Kloff
  4. Sir Louis Braille
MCQ 528:

In which one of the following year, peanut butter was invented?

  1. 1833
  2. 1884
  3. 1845
  4. 1876
MCQ 529:

Biscuit cutter was invented by an African-American inventor named as

  1. Sir Henry W. Seelay
  2. Sir Schuyler Skaats Wheeler
  3. Sir Alexander P. Ashbourne
  4. Sir Alexander Graham Bell
MCQ 530:

Electronic immobilization device was invented by

  1. Sir John Biggins
  2. Sir Alexander Cartwright
  3. Sir Jack Cover
  4. Sir Stephen Poplawski

Mock Tests: Inventions Course Prep

Capacitors Textbook App: Free Download iOS & Android

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Capacitors App (Android & iOS)

Capacitors App (Android & iOS)

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