Class 8 Courses

Chapter 3: Class 8 English Exam Tests

Class 8 English MCQs - Chapter 3

Prepositions Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) PDF Download - 58

The Book Prepositions Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ), prepositions MCQ with Answers PDF download, e-Book Ch. 3-58 for online classes. Practice Verbs and Prepositions Multiple Choice Questions and Answers (MCQs), prepositions quiz questions and answers to learn online school courses. Prepositions MCQs PDF: verbs and prepositions, adjective and prepositions test prep for online schools.

The Quiz: Write a few words to sum up what the paragraph is ______. PDF, "prepositions Quiz" App (Android & iOS) with choices on, about, at, and for to learn online school courses. Solve verbs and prepositions quiz questions for school certificate programs for elementary school graduation certificate.

Prepositions Quiz PDF Download: English Test 58

MCQ 286:

Write a few words to sum up what the paragraph is ______.

  1. about
  2. on
  3. at
  4. for
MCQ 287:

Use notes to write the first drafts _____ your summary.

  1. of
  2. at
  3. on
  4. for
MCQ 288:

Connectors are words that link two ideas together. Writers use connectors to link sequence ___ actions.

  1. at
  2. of
  3. by
  4. none of these
MCQ 289:

When people are ___ the move, they are not easily contactable using a landline telephone.

  1. to
  2. at
  3. on
  4. in
MCQ 290:

Death results _____ respiratory failure.

  1. on
  2. at
  3. from
  4. on

Prepositions Textbook App: Free Download iOS & Android

The App: Prepositions MCQ App to study Prepositions Textbook, Inventions MCQs App, and HTML MCQs App. The "Prepositions MCQ" App to free download Android & iOS Apps includes complete analytics with interactive assessments. Download App Store & Play Store learning Apps & enjoy 100% functionality with subscriptions!

Prepositions App (Android & iOS)

Prepositions App (Android & iOS)

Inventions App (Android & iOS)

Inventions App (iOS & Android)

HTML App (Android & iOS)

HTML App (Android & iOS)

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Basic Business Research App (iOS & Android)