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Chapter 8: Class 10 Math Exam Tests

Class 10 Math MCQs - Chapter 8

Introduction to Trigonometry Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) PDF - 8

Free Introduction to trigonometry Trivia Questions and Answers, introduction to trigonometry quiz answers PDF, test 8 to download class 10 math certificate courses. Solve Reciprocal Identities MCQ PDF, introduction to trigonometry quiz questions and answers for high school certification courses. Free certification App: Introduction to Trigonometry Trivia App Download & e-Book for reciprocal identities, quadrants, trigonometric ratios, radian measure of angle test prep for taking online classes.

The Trivia Quiz: Secθ equals to; "Introduction to Trigonometry" App APK Download (Free) with answers 1 ⁄ secθ, 1 ⁄ cosecθ, 1 ⁄ cosθ and 1 ⁄ cotθ for high school certification courses. Practice reciprocal identities quiz questions, download Kindle eBook (Free Sample) for free online courses.

Introduction to Trigonometry Questions & Answers PDF Download: MCQ Quiz 8

MCQ 36: Secθ equals to

A) 1 ⁄ cosecθ
B) 1 ⁄ secθ
C) 1 ⁄ cosθ
D) 1 ⁄ cotθ

MCQ 37: The x-axis and y-axis divides the plane in four regions, called

A) quadrants
B) segments
C) sectors
D) positions

MCQ 38: The fundamental trigonometric ratios are

A) 4
B) 5
C) 6
D) 3

MCQ 39: Angles between 180° and 270° lies in

A) 1st quadrant
B) 2nd quadrant
C) 3rd quadrant
D) 4th quadrant

MCQ 40: The angle subtended at the center of the circle by an arc, whose length and radius are equal is called

A) initial side
B) radian
C) vertex
D) point of intersection

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